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What are ablockers?

Image of Iron Brands

Publié le 1 mai 2023 par Iron Brands

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Adblockers are software programs that block or filter advertising content on websites. Adblockers typically work by identifying and blocking requests to servers known to serve advertising content or by identifying and removing advertising content from web pages before they are displayed. Adblockers are typically available as browser extensions, although some browsers have built-in ad-blocking features.

Adblockers are typically used by individuals concerned about the privacy and security implications of online advertising or annoyed by intrusive or irrelevant advertising. An adblocker can improve the browsing experience and reduce exposure to potential security risks.

Many digital marketers and publishers are concerned about the rise of adblockers. Adblockers significantly impact the digital advertising industry because they reduce the reach and effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.

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