Google Analytics Glossaire

Add Google Analytics to AWeber

Image of Iron Brands

Publié le 29 mars 2024 et modifié le 7 mai 2024 par Iron Brands

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While AWeber offers its own analytics, Google Analytics can do much more in term of data collection and analysis. This blog post will guide you through the steps to add Google Analytics to your AWeber email campaigns.

Let's dive in!

  1. Set Up Google Analytics
  2. Craft Your UTM Parameters
  3. Embed UTM-Tagged URLs in Your AWeber Campaigns
  4. Final Thoughts

Before we dig in you need to know that Google Analytics is complex and a bit clunky. There are other options that give you the same insights in a slick and straightforward dashboard.

Simple Analytics is one of them. A privacy-friendly and simple analytics tool - just the insights you need in a straightforward dashboard. (And its also free yes).

Can you spot the difference between the dashboards?

All right, now let's get into answering your question!

Set Up Google Analytics

First of all, you will need a Google Analytics account and property:

  • Create a Google Analytics Account: Visit the Google Analytics website and follow the steps to create an account if you don't already have one.
  • Set Up a Property for Your Website: Follow Google’s setup process, selecting the appropriate platform (web) and entering your website information. Note down your Measurement ID or Tracking ID.

...Or just use Simple Analytics. Privacy-friendly and simple. No complexity. No cookies. Just the data you need in a simple dashboard

Google Analytics vs Simple Analytics

Craft Your UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are crucial for tracking the effectiveness of your email campaigns in Google Analytics. A typical UTM-tagged URL includes parameters like source, medium, campaign, content, and term. For AWeber, focus on:

  • utm_source: This identifies the source of traffic (e.g., aweber).
  • utm_medium: This specifies the marketing medium (e.g., email).
  • utm_campaign: This names the specific campaign or promotion.

Use an online UTM builder or manually craft your UTM-tagged URLs to include these parameters. For example:

If you don't have a UTM builder of choice, consider Google's own builder, as it tends to work well for Google Analytics.

Embed UTM-Tagged URLs in Your AWeber Campaigns

When creating or editing an email campaign in AWeber:

  • Insert Links: As you add links to your email content, use the UTM-tagged URLs you’ve created. This can be done for text links, buttons, or images that direct subscribers to your website.
  • Test Your Emails: Send test emails to ensure all links are working correctly and leading to the desired pages on your website.

Final Thoughts

Adding Google Analytics to your website can give you great insights. However, ask yourself: is Google Analytics the right tool for you?

GA is an overpowered solution for straightforward analytics. If you're looking for a simple and intuitive dashboard with the insights you need, there are better alternatives.

If this resonates with you, feel free to give Simple Analytics a spin. You just need to add the script to your app and off you go. This takes about one minute- and there is a free version as well!
