Google Analytics Glossaire

Add Google Analytics to Beehiiv

Image of Iron Brands

Publié le 22 avr. 2024 et modifié le 7 mai 2024 par Iron Brands

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Adding Google Analytics to your Beehiiv newsletter platform is a strategic move to track and understand your audience's engagement. Google Analytics offers detailed insights into user behavior, helping you optimize your content and marketing strategies.

Below is a guide to integrate Google Analytics with Beehiiv.

  1. Set Up Google Analytics
  2. Generate a Tracking ID
  3. Access Beehiiv's Platform
  4. Add the Google Analytics Tracking Code
  5. Test the Integration
  6. Analyze and Optimize
  7. Final Thoughts
Logo of the Government of the United KingdomThe UK Government chose Simple AnalyticsJoin them

Before we dig in you need to know that Google Analytics is complex and a bit clunky. There are other options that give you the same insights in a slick and straightforward dashboard.

Simple Analytics is one of them. A privacy-friendly and simple analytics tool - just the insights you need in a straightforward dashboard. (And its also free yes).

Can you spot the difference between the dashboards?

All right, now let's get into answering your question!

Set Up Google Analytics

First, ensure you have a Google Analytics account. If you don't, visit Google Analytics to sign up. Create a new property for your website or the platform where you direct your audience from your Beehiiv newsletters.

Generate a Tracking ID

In your Google Analytics account, generate a tracking ID specific to your website. This ID is crucial as it links your website's traffic data to your Google Analytics account.

Access Beehiiv's Platform

Log in to your Beehiiv account and navigate to the settings or integration section where you can add third-party tools.

Add the Google Analytics Tracking Code

In Beehiiv, look for an option to integrate Google Analytics. This might be under settings, integrations, or a similar section. Here, you will need to input your Google Analytics tracking ID.

If Beehiiv supports direct integration, simply inputting your tracking ID should suffice. If it requires the entire Google Analytics script, you will need to copy and paste the script provided by Google Analytics. It usually looks like this:

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'YOUR_TRACKING_ID', { 'send_page_view': false });

Replace YOUR_TRACKING_ID with your actual tracking ID.

Test the Integration

After setting up, send a test newsletter to yourself and click on the links you've included. Then, check your Google Analytics dashboard to see if the clicks and traffic are being recorded. This step ensures that the integration is functioning correctly.

Analyze and Optimize

Utilize the data collected in Google Analytics to understand your audience's behavior better and to optimize your future newsletters for better engagement.

Final Thoughts

Adding Google Analytics to your newsletter can give you great insights. However, ask yourself: is Google Analytics the right tool for you?

GA is an overpowered solution for straightforward analytics. If you're looking for a simple and intuitive dashboard with the insights you need, there are better alternatives.

If this resonates with you, feel free to give Simple Analytics a spin. You just need to add the script to your app and off you go. This takes about one minute- and there is a free version as well!


GA4 est complexe. Essayez Simple Analytics

GA4 c'est comme être dans un cockpit d'avion sans brevet de pilote

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