Google Analytics Glossary

Add Google Analytics to Node JS

Image of Iron Brands

Published on Apr 22, 2024 by Iron Brands

Integrating Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with your Node.js application enables you to track server-side events, providing insights into backend processes and user interactions. GA4's approach differs from the previous Universal Analytics, focusing more on events and user engagement.

  1. Set Up Google Analytics 4 Property
  2. Obtain Your Measurement ID
  3. Install a Node.js Library for GA4
  4. Sending Events to GA4
  5. Test and Validate
  6. Customize Tracking as Needed
  7. Final Thoughts
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Here's how you can integrate GA4 with a Node.js environment.

Set Up Google Analytics 4 Property

Ensure you have a Google Analytics 4 property set up for your application. If you haven't, visit the Google Analytics website and create a GA4 property.

Obtain Your Measurement ID

In your GA4 property, locate the Measurement ID. It's typically in the format G-XXXXXXXXXX and is used to send data to your GA4 property.

Install a Node.js Library for GA4

As of my last update, there isn't an official Node.js library specifically for GA4. However, you can use HTTP requests to send data to the GA4 Data Collection API. Another option is to use community-developed libraries that support GA4.

Sending Events to GA4

You can send events to GA4 using HTTP requests. Here’s a basic example using Node.js’s native https module:

const https = require('https');

const data = JSON.stringify({
  client_id: 'CLIENT_ID', // A unique client identifier
  events: [{
    name: 'your_event',
    params: {
      param1: 'value1',
      param2: 'value2',

const options = {
  hostname: '',
  port: 443,
  path: '/mp/collect?measurement_id=YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID&api_secret=YOUR_API_SECRET',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Content-Length': data.length,

const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
  res.on('data', (d) => {

req.on('error', (error) => {


Replace YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID and YOUR_API_SECRET with your actual GA4 Measurement ID and API secret, and modify the event data as needed.

Test and Validate

After implementation, test the integration by triggering events in your application and verifying they appear in your GA4 real-time report.

Customize Tracking as Needed

Customize your tracking setup based on the specific interactions or metrics you wish to track in your Node.js application.

Final Thoughts

Integrating GA4 with a Node.js application provides comprehensive insights into user interactions and server-side processes. However, keep in mind that GA4's complexity might not suit all organizations.

At Simple Analytics, we provide a simpler, privacy-respecting analytics solution that offers essential insights without the intricate setup and maintenance of GA4. Our tool is designed for clarity and ease of use, helping you focus on actionable data insights. Check our live analytics dashboard to see for yourself.

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