Google Analytics Glossary

Add Google Analytics to Hubspot

Image of Iron Brands

Published on Nov 23, 2023 and edited on May 7, 2024 by Iron Brands

While HubSpot offers built-in analytics, integrating Google Analytics can provide additional layers of data. Here is how to add GA to HubSpot, step by step.

Let's dive in!

  1. Integrating Google Analytics
    1. Set up Google Analytics
    2. Adding Google Analytics
    3. Verify the Integration
  2. Final Thoughts

Before we dig in you need to know that Google Analytics is complex and a bit clunky. There are other options that give you the same insights in a slick and straightforward dashboard.

Simple Analytics is one of them. A privacy-friendly and simple analytics tool - just the insights you need in a straightforward dashboard. (And its also free yes).

Can you spot the difference between the dashboards?

All right, now let's get into answering your question!

Integrating Google Analytics

Set up Google Analytics

  • Log into your GA profile (or create one, if you haven't already)
  • Create a GA property for your website
  • Inspect the property and note down your Measurement ID. You will need it later.

Adding Google Analytics

  • Access your HubSpot account and navigate to your dashboard.
  • In HubSpot, go to your settings.
  • Look for the Analytics settings
  • Paste your Google Analytics tracking ID in the designated field. HubSpot might require either the full tracking code snippet from Google Analytics or just the tracking ID, depending on its current integration setup. Both can be found by inspecting your GA property.
  • After entering the tracking code or ID, save the changes. Your HubSpot website should now be integrated with Google Analytics.

Verify the Integration

To confirm that the integration is successful, visit your website and then check the real-time reports in Google Analytics to see if it registers your visit.

Final Thoughts

Adding Google Analytics to Hubspot can give you great insights. However, ask yourself: is Google Analytics the right tool for you?

GA is an overpowered solution for straightforward analytics. If you're looking for a simple and intuitive dashboard with the insights you need, there are better alternatives.

If this resonates with you, feel free to give Simple Analytics a spin. You just need to add the script to your app and off you go. This takes about one minute- and there is a free version as well!
