Google Analytics Key terms

What is an assisted Conversion in Google Analytics?

Image of Iron Brands

Published on Jan 20, 2023 and edited on Nov 23, 2023 by Iron Brands

Assisted Conversions are a vital metric in Google Analytics that help in understanding the full value of your marketing channels. Let's dive into what Assisted Conversions are and their significance in analyzing the customer journey.

What is an Assisted Conversion?

An Assisted Conversion in Google Analytics refers to a touchpoint that a user interacts with on their path to conversion, but is not the final interaction. In simpler terms, it's a step that contributes to the conversion process but isn’t the final converting action.

Understanding the Role of Assisted Conversions

  • Multiple Touchpoints: Today's customer journey often involves multiple interactions across various channels before a conversion (like a purchase or sign-up) occurs.
  • Beyond Last-Click: Assisted Conversions help you understand the value of these earlier interactions, which might otherwise be overshadowed if only the last-click (the final interaction leading to conversion) is considered.

How Assisted Conversions are Measured

  • Contribution to Conversion: In Google Analytics, an Assisted Conversion is attributed to a channel if a user interacted with that channel before converting on a subsequent visit.
  • Assisted Conversion Value: This metric measures the number of conversions to which a channel contributed, providing a more holistic view of how various marketing efforts contribute to conversions.

Importance of Assisted Conversions

  1. Comprehensive Channel Evaluation: Helps in understanding the contribution of each marketing channel beyond direct conversions.
  2. Informed Marketing Decisions: Provides insights for allocating budgets and resources more effectively across various channels.
  3. Understanding User Behavior: Offers a deeper understanding of the customer journey and the role of different touchpoints.

Assisted Conversions vs. Last-Click Conversions

  • Last-Click Conversions: Attribute the entire value of the conversion to the last channel that the customer interacted with before converting.
  • Assisted Conversions: Recognize the contribution of channels earlier in the conversion path.

Final Thoughts

Assisted Conversions in Google Analytics offer a more nuanced understanding of how various marketing channels contribute to conversions, acknowledging that the path to conversion is often not linear. While Google Analytics provides a comprehensive tool for such insights, it can be complex for many organizations.

At Simple Analytics, we aim to simplify analytics, offering an easier interface to understand the multi-faceted nature of user interactions and conversions, all with an emphasis on user privacy. Check our live analytics dashboard to see for yourself.

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